Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Idris Khan - Every... Bernd and Hilla Becher

Ghostly images created by the British artist who's work centres around superimposing iconic images or texts one on top of the other to create a single image; in this case those of the German artists Bernd and Hilla Becher. For me the appeal of these images is the way that they take on a whole new form to those of the original Becher images and how they almost seem to be taken away from being photographs, becoming pieces which resemble rough sketches or paintings.   

m still.

"Idris Khan’s Every... Bernd And Hilla Becher... series appropriates the Bechers’ imagery and compiles their collections into single super-images. In this piece, multiple images of American-style gabled houses are digitally layered and super-imposed giving the effect of an impressionistic drawing or blurred film still. The structures in the Bechers’ original photographs are almost identical, though in Khan’s hands the images’ contrast and opacity is adjusted to ensure each layer can be seen and has presence. Though Khan works in mechanised media and his images are of industrial subjects, their effect is of a soft ethereal energy. They exude a transfixing spiritual quality in their densely compacted details and ghostly outlines. ...Prison Type Gasholders conveys a sense of time depicted in motion, as if transporting the old building, in its obsolete black and white format, into the extreme future."

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